About Us

Our names are Casey and Joanna Losee. We got married in 2014 and soon after began talking about starting our own business. This desire to start a baking business arose from our common interest in preparing delicious food.


As long as I can remember I have loved to work with food. I spent much of my childhood reading cookbooks and trying new recipes. There was always a deep satisfaction and sense of accomplishment when I was able to transform a few simple ingredients into something special. I remember feeling this way one summer when I got the chance to pick fresh cherries from a tart cherry tree and create my first pie made from scratch. I always dreamed of making food my career. With my first job as a dishwasher, I got a sneak peak at the restaurant atmosphere, but I wanted to work with food, not just around food. I continued to work in various restaurants and food-service operations while earning my Bachelor degree at the Culinary Institute of America. Finally, I was creating foods with simple, quality ingredients. In 2014 I began my first job in a bakery working with my wife. I've enjoyed working with my favorite coworker as we create beautiful baked goods.


I think it was the feel of smooth, elastic dough beneath my hands, as my mother showed me how to make whole wheat bread from scratch, that made me want to pursue baking. Since that first baking experience, I have loved searching out and testing new recipes in almost every branch of baking. My dream career was to become a professional baker. I did not expect to be able to get such a job, since most of my baking experience from the age of eight to twenty was only what I learned through my own research and experimentation. I was thrilled when my application to the Hawthorne Valley Farm Bakery was accepted in May of 2010. In the five and a half years that I have worked at Hawthorne Valley, I have enjoyed learning the many new aspects of baking which come with working on a large production scale.

In January of 2016 after much recipe testing, business research, and label design, we delivered our first pies and cookies. It has been over five years since that day and we are so glad that we chose to take those first steps into the unknown realm of business. We are grateful to all who continue to support our little family business. We would like to say thank you to the many customers who have enjoyed and spread the word about our products. Thank you to the businesses that have chosen to carry our products on their shelves. Thank you to our mothers who now help with childcare while we are baking. Thank you to our daughters Lael and Phoebe for being such willing taste testers whenever the need arises.